The Future of Trucking Starts TODAY

Jason Williams

Posted March 24, 2023

Around the world, governments are taking drastic steps to corral the greenhouse gas emissions believed to be causing climate change…

From demanding farmers kill off their flocks and reduce their fertilizer applications to forbidding citizens from driving farther than 15 minutes to buy their groceries, there isn’t a restrictive idea they won’t try.

The most recent of those ideas is the ban of diesel vehicles across the EU (and soon in California, too).

Not even a couple of decades ago, “clean diesel” was all the rage in Europe and was going to save the planet from climate change.

Today, it’s the bane of our existence, could never be called “clean,” and needs to go away as soon as possible.

And that’s fine for consumer vehicles. We’ve got plenty of alternatives to combustion engines when it comes to our cars and small trucks.

Electric vehicles have improved by leaps and bounds and are now a viable alternative to combustion engine models for most people.

But when it comes to commercial transportation, they just don’t cut it. And that’s something cities and towns around the world are finding out AFTER footing a hefty bill to convert fleets to electric…

New York Needs Two EV Trucks for Every One ICE Vehicle

New York City recently found this out the hard way. It spent millions of dollars buying a new fleet of electric garbage trucks.

Then, while testing the trucks, it found out there was a huge problem…

NYC EV Truck Fail

The old trucks, the ones that ran on diesel, could be outfitted with snowplows in the winter to help clear the streets while they weren’t picking up garbage.

The new ones can only run for an hour or two when there’s snow in front of that plow, though, and then they need a couple hours to recharge.

That’s not efficient at all and means that either NYC needs to keep its ICE trucks for the winter or it needs to buy twice (maybe even four times) as many EV trucks as it had ICE ones.

And that’s not the only case of functional concerns outweighing environmental concerns…

Nobody Wants Tesla’s Semitruck

Tesla is probably the most famous electric vehicle maker, and Elon Musk is probably the most famous (and outspoken) proponent of electric vehicles.

But even he and his star-studded company were incapable of solving the problem presented by banning diesel trucks from our highways and byways…

You see, a diesel-powered truck can go up to a quarter of a million miles before it requires any serious service other than regular maintenance.

But Tesla’s electric semis are already breaking down on the side of the road, and after not even making it the 40,000 miles a diesel truck goes between oil changes.

Adding insult to injury, when they break down on the side of the highway, they get towed away by a diesel-powered tow truck while a diesel-powered semi hooks up to their trailer and finishes their job.

towing tesla semi

But even when they don’t break down, they barely hold a candle to the diesel-powered trucks they’re supposed to replace.

A diesel semi can go about 1,000 miles on a full tank of gas. Then it takes about 10–15 minutes to refill those fuel tanks depending on how big they are.

Tesla’s semitruck, with the best range in the industry, can go 500 miles on a full charge. Then it takes a couple hours to recharge the batteries.

That’s just nowhere near efficient enough to replace diesel trucks. And that’s a big reason why nobody, from truckers to fleet managers, is really that excited about Tesla’s new truck.

No Alternative? No Problem… for Politicians

And yet politicians around the world are going through with their plans to ban diesel engines, whether there are alternatives out there or not.

By 2035, the EU plans to ban the sale of ALL diesel-powered (and gas-powered) vehicles for both commuter and commercial transportation.

Here in the States, some people expect it to happen even sooner. In fact, California just voted to place increasing restrictions on diesel trucks starting NEXT year.

That’s right. Come 2024, it’ll get a whole lot harder to have anything shipped by a diesel-powered truck in California.

But the thing is Southern California is one of the biggest infill markets in the country. That means it’s where a whole lot of our freight from other countries enters the U.S.

And that means most of the things you use that come from other countries aren't going to be allowed to travel by diesel truck the second they hit California’s shores.

But the electric trucks those ever-knowing politicians suggest we replace those soon-to-be banned semis with… well, they’re not good enough to shoulder the load.

So what are we supposed to do if we’re not allowed to haul freight with diesel trucks and we’re not able to haul freight with electric trucks?

"Blue Gas" to the Rescue

Well, fortunately for us, the trucking industry, and those hapless politicians who appear incapable of long-term thinking, there is an alternative to diesel-powered trucks…

And it’s already in use all over the world.

It powers tens of thousands of forklifts in Amazon’s warehouses and distribution centers.

It drives trains and buses across Europe and Asia.

It even powers trucks already hauling freight out of California’s massive infill markets.

And it does it all without contributing a single ounce of carbon emissions to the atmosphere.

You see, these vehicles aren’t powered by diesel like their predecessors were.

And they’re certainly not powered by batteries — that’s why they’re actively in use today.

They’re powered by a zero-emission fuel first developed to be used in a top-secret NASA project.

You see, the scientist who was responsible for developing this fuel to help power space exploration founded his own company…

And he and a team of highly skilled engineers went to work developing powerhouses that could run on this incredibly powerful zero-emission fuel.

They called it “Blue Gas” because it provided just as much power as any fossil fuel, but the only byproducts were pure oxygen and clean water.

But the power it produces is just out of this world. That’s why it’s powering trains and buses around Europe and Asia.

That’s also why it’s powering big rigs that are already hauling everything imaginable around California and out into the rest of the country.

It provides more power than an electric setup, and it “recharges” in minutes instead of hours. In fact, it’s as easy to “recharge” as the diesel trucks it’s replacing are to refuel.

Also, the trucks themselves don’t cost an arm and a leg plus your first born (unlike Tesla’s electric semi where the batteries alone run almost a million bucks).

They can haul as much freight as any diesel semi. They go just as long between services and don’t require tons of maintenance.

And they produce zero carbon emissions as they haul all those goodies down the road.

A Diamond in the Rough

But despite its products being so much better than their electric rivals…

And despite those products already being out there doing the work and proving without a doubt that they’re the better alternative…

The company behind this incredible technology is still basically unknown to the vast majority of investors.

It doesn’t have a flashy, often-controversial CEO like Elon Musk out there attracting attention like a modern-age P.T. Barnum.

And it isn’t blowing billions of dollars on TV ad spots like the legacy automakers desperate to catch up to Tesla.

So it’s flying almost entirely under the radar — and that’s despite creating an actual solution to this emission problem everyone is so hell-bent on solving.

That’s where the opportunity lies for investors…

This company isn’t going to stay unknown forever. Its "Blue Gas"-powered engines are already out there powering industries around the globe.

Investors are going to catch on — and they’re going to catch on soon. But if you get a stake in the company before that happens, you can ride that wave of recognition to unheard-of gains.

So to help you get started on the path to profitability, I’ve compiled everything I’ve been able to learn about this leap forward in transportation technology.

And I’ve put it all into a brief presentation (and an easy-to-read report as well).

Not only will I explain how this "Blue Gas" works and why it’s the ONLY alternative out there for diesel-powered industry…

But I’ll also show you exactly what you need to do to get a share of this explosive stock.

So take some time today to learn all about what I’ve uncovered…

And then get yourself invested before word gets out and this “Tesla-Killer” takes off for the stratosphere.

I’ll be back soon with more ways to boost your profits next week.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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